
I have got loads of requests to allow Hoogle to do this, usually
something like if you search [Bool] -> [Bool] it should suggest map
not, or something - combining functions into the one you want.

Unfortunately the search space would be huge for even the smallest
library. Worse still, the second you allow id :: a -> a, you have an
infinite number of matching terms.

Some work I have seen which seems related to what you are asking is:
http://www.cs.ioc.ee/tfp-icfp-gpce05/tfp-proc/14num.pdf "Systematic
search for lambda expressions" by Susumu Katayama.



On 1/28/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 09:11:33PM +0100, Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> I would like to have a program that can synthesize programs for a
> given type, composing only functions from a given library.
> For example, suppose my library has
> isZero :: Int -> Bool
> map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
> fold :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
> True :: Bool
> (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

Why just (.) ?  I also assume your logic has modus ponens (curry howard: 

> then I want to ask, say, for a program of type
>  [Int] -> Bool
> and get as answer
> (fold and True) . (map isZero)
> However, with none of these approaches I managed to do anything with list
> functions.
> What else is available (besides Djinn and De-Typechecker)? Are lists a
> problem? In general, what are the practical and theoretical limits of these
> program synthesizers? Are there any overview papers for this topic?

A system (with the full axioms of intuitionist logic) would be much more likely
to answer your query with \_ -> True .  Not very helpful, eh?

Lists are recursive types, and it is very easy for a list calculus to lose 
normalization.  Without strong normalization, any nontrivial query will be 
with 'undefined'.  Not helpful.

The only other system I know of is my short theorem prover (on the wiki); it 
has no
architectural reason to not allow list functions, but it has many shallow 
reasons -
slow, obfuscated, doesn't currently track proofs, doesn't currently support 
kinds.  Not likely to be usable.
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