On Jan 29, 2007, at 16:38 , Ross Paterson wrote:

On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 01:51:01PM +1100, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Binary: high performance, pure binary serialisation for Haskell --------------------------------------------------------------------- -

The Binary Strike Team is pleased to announce the release of a new,
pure, efficient binary serialisation library for Haskell, now available
from Hackage:

tarball: http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/ package/binary/0.2
 darcs:      darcs get http://darcs.haskell.org/binary
 haddocks:   http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/binary/Data-Binary.html

Remind me again: why do you need a Put monad, which always seems to have
the argument type ()?  Monoids really are underappreciated.

I don't know if that's the main reason, but monads give you do- notation, which can be very nice when you are doing a long sequence of puts. Here's an example from the tar package [1]:

putHeaderNoChkSum :: TarHeader -> Put
putHeaderNoChkSum hdr =
do let (filePrefix, fileSuffix) = splitLongPath 100 (tarFileName hdr)
       putString  100 $ fileSuffix
       putOct       8 $ tarFileMode hdr
       putOct       8 $ tarOwnerID hdr
       putOct       8 $ tarGroupID hdr
       putOct      12 $ tarFileSize hdr
       putOct      12 $ let TOD s _ = tarModTime hdr in s
       fill         8 $ ' ' -- dummy checksum
       putTarFileType $ tarFileType hdr
putString 100 $ tarLinkTarget hdr -- FIXME: take suffix split at / if too long
       putString    6 $ "ustar "
       putString    2 $ " " -- strange ustar version
       putString   32 $ tarOwnerName hdr
       putString   32 $ tarGroupName hdr
       putOct       8 $ tarDeviceMajor hdr
       putOct       8 $ tarDeviceMinor hdr
       putString  155 $ filePrefix
       fill        12 $ '\NUL'

I guess mconcat [putX, putY, ... ] would work too, but the syntax is not quite as nice.


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