Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
FP way is to represent everything as
function, imperative way is to represent everything as algorithm.

Magnus Therning wrote:
Neither way may be "natural", but imperative thinking is extremely
common in society, I'd say much more than "functional" thinking.  Just
think of cooking recipes, IKEA instructions, all the algorithms taught
in math classes in grade school.

Those are not imperative thinking - they are sequential
thinking. There is nothing non-functional about describing
an algorithm in sequential form.

Imperative means requiring that the steps always be
followed exactly. People do not follow the steps of a
recipe exactly - they just use the recipe to understand
what needs to be prepared. Same with your other examples.

That's why I think that the oposite is true - declarative style
is more natural. Just describe what you want to be computed.
If that is best described as a sequence of steps, fine, if not, not.
But in either case, you are not forcing a CPU to follow
the steps blindly.

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