I tried to install haskell-fastcgi (
http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~bringert/darcs/haskell-fastcgi/ ).

runghc Setup.hs configure  --prefix=$HOME/extra
runghc -I$HOME/extra/include Setup.hs build
Preprocessing library fastcgi-2006.10.9...

FastCGI.hsc:50:21:  error: fcgiapp.h: No such file or directory
compiling Network/FastCGI_hsc_make.c failed
command was: ghc -c Network/FastCGI_hsc_make.c -o Network/FastCGI_hsc_make.o
Setup.hs: got error code while preprocessing: Network.FastCGI

runghc --help
runghc: syntax: runghc [-f GHCPATH] [GHC-ARGS] FILE ARG...

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