> This project may be a success:
> > 
> > 4. Project: Fast Mutable Collection Types for Haskell
> >   Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho
> > 
> >     Completed, and part of pugs.
> >         http://perlcabal.org/~audreyt/darcs/pugs/third-party/HsJudy/
> > 
> > 
> But there is no way to pull this out of pugs and install it as a library.
> The cabal file depends on being alongside
> http://perlcabal.org/~audreyt/darcs/pugs/third-party/judy/Judy-1.0.3 and 
> while I
> can build and install HsJudy this way, I cannot clearly see how to install the
> Judy libraries it needs.
> If anyone *can* make HsJudy install and work, could you put this information 
> on
> the haskell wiki?
> -- 
> Chris

I'd just ping the auhtor, host the repo on darcs.haskell.org, and then
fix it until it builds like any normal cabalised repo.

It really could be a Data.HashTable killer, given a bit of build
infrastructure love :-)

-- Don
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