
Incidentally, inserting NList into the existing Safe.List does not
seem like a good match as NList critically relies on being in a
separate module with a limited export.

As mentioned before, Safe.List would be an entirely separate module in
my package, so can export/not export whatever it chooses.

> * Catch: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/projects/catch.php
> * ESC-Haskell: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~nx200/research/escH-hw.ps

I would submit the approach of the lightweight static capabilities (cf
above Wiki link) to be counted as the third project in that area. The
latter has an advantage that it is available in Haskell right now and
requires no extra tools.

I've added a link to my web page, which is where I also paste from
where someone asks this question :)


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