
you're almost there:

drop :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
drop 0 xs = xs
drop n (x:xs) = drop (n-1) xs

Your version fails when trying to do drop 10 [1..10]. My version fails when trying to do drop 10 [1..9], so you might want to try to see if you can come up with a solution for that!

Good luck,

On 25 Feb, 2007, at 18:43 , iliali16 wrote:

Hi I am trying to implement the function drop in haskell the thing is that I I have been trying for some time and I came up with this code where I am
trying to do recursion:

drop :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
drop 0 (x:xs) = (x:xs)
drop n (x:xs)
        |n < lList (x:xs) = dropN (n-1) xs :
        |otherwise = []

So I want to understand how would this work and what exacttly should I put as an answer on line 4 couse that is where I am lost. I know I might got the base case wrong as well but I don't know what to think for it. I have done the lList as a function before writing this one. Thanks to those who can
help me understand this. Thanks alot in advance! Have a nice day!
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