jim burton wrote:
I am reading Hudak's paper Modular Domain Specific Languages and Tools [1] and am confused by his use of the term `Partial Evaluation'. I understand it to mean supplying some but not all arguments to a function, e.g. (+3) but it seems to mean something else too.

That's partial application you're thinking of. In the context of inline operators, this is referred to as a section.

Partial evaluation actually executes some of a partially applied function, generating a new function that is specialised to the given arguments.

Here's a silly, contrived example to illustrate the difference. Consider this function:

sumPlus :: Num a => [a] -> a -> a
sumPlus xs y = sum xs + y

Here's a partially applied version of the function:

sumPlus ([3,2] :: [Int])

Its type is

Int -> Int

If you partially evaluate this function, you're evaluating as much of the function as possible at "compile time" (usually in a separate partial evaluation tool that generates a whole new source file for the real compiler), and getting a new specialised function:

sumPlus32 :: Int -> Int
sumPlus32 y = 5 + y

You could expect a decent compiler to apply this kind of transformation under limited circumstances, but partial evaluation is much more ambitious. The canonical example is partially evaluating a language interpreter by giving it a chunk of source as the input to specialise on. This produces a new interpreter that is specialised to interpret exactly that source (aka the first Futamura projection), and which you might hope would do so more efficiently than the fully general interpreter.

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