Given all these issues, I consider the only reasonable option is to
discard the Prelude entirely.  There will be no magic modules.
Everything will be an ordinary library.  HOFs like (.) are available
from Control.Function.  List ops come from Data.List.  Any general
abstractions can be added in abstract Sequence, Monad, etc. modules.
Haskell will regain the kind of organic evolution whose lack
currently causes Haskell to lose its lead over Python et al by the
I basically agree with a lot of the things you say. The only thing is: it's so convenient to have the Prelude. I can just start writing my haskell programs and don't have to worry about all kinds of imports. And you'll end up being repetitive: you'll import (.) and stuff like that in _every_ file. Yeah, this will definitely be more modular, but if we go for it, it's going to be so much more (tedious) work to create a new program.

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