Alfonso Acosta wrote:
> I tried the existential approach when it was previously suggested by
> Chris, but the problem is that, for some Source instances calling
> methods from HDPrimType within supplySig is not enough. Thus, it
> doesn't work with existentials due to their limitations.

I see. The typechecker is right then: one can't write 
 >  supplySig  :: (PortIndex ix, HDPrimType a) => HDSignal a -> ix -> d -> d

because supplySig is not parametric in 'a': supplySig needs to know
more than just the membership of 'a' in HDPrimType. It needs a more
refined constraint. So, the class hierarchy has to change, for
example, as follows

> data HDSignal a = HDSignal
> data HDSignal' d = forall a. DestPort' d a => HDSignal' (HDSignal a)
> class HDPrimType a where
> class PortIndex a where
> class SourcePort s where
>  -- Plug an external signal to the port
>  plugSig  :: (PortIndex ix, DestPort d) =>ix -> s  -> (HDSignal' d -> b) -> b
> class DestPort d where
>  supplySig  :: (PortIndex ix) => HDSignal' d -> ix -> d -> d
>  supplySig (HDSignal' sig) = supplySig' sig
> class HDPrimType a => DestPort' d a where
>  -- Supply a signal to the port
>  supplySig'  :: (PortIndex ix) => HDSignal a -> ix -> d -> d
> -- Connect providing indexes
> connectIx :: (SourcePort s, PortIndex six, DestPort d, PortIndex dix) =>
>              six -> s -> dix -> d -> d
> connectIx six s dix d = plugSig six s $ (push2 supplySig) dix d
> push2 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> b -> c -> a -> d
> push2 f = (\b c a -> f a b c)
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