Stefan O'Rear wrote:
On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 01:04:13PM +0100, Joel Reymont wrote:

The ghc/compiler/typecheck directory holds a rather large body of code and quick browsing through did not produce any insight.

How do you implement type checking in haskell?

Assume I have an Expr type with a constructor per type and functions can take lists of expressions. Do I create a function taking an Expr, pattern-matching on appropriate constructor and returning True on a match and False otherwise?

The Glasgow Haskell typechecker is big not because type checking is
hard, but because GHC Haskell is a very big language.  Also, GHC runs
typechecking *before* desugaring, apparently thinking error messages
are more important than programmer sanity :)

A typechecker for a simpler language can be implemented quite easily:

--- Simply typed lambda calculus

data Typ = Int | Real | Bool | Fn Typ Typ
data Exp = Lam Typ Exp | Var Int | App Exp Exp

typeCheck' :: [Typ] -> Exp -> Maybe Typ
typeCheck' cx (Lam ty bd) = fmap (Fn ty) (typeCheck' (ty:cx) bd)
typeCheck' cx (Var i)     = Just (cx !! i)
typeCheck' cx (App fn vl) = do Fn at rt <- typeCheck' cx fn
                               pt       <- typeCheck' cx vl
                               guard (at == pt)
                               return rt

Your problem, as I understand it, is even simpler than most since
there are no higher order functions and no arguments.


data Typ = Real | Int | Bool | String

tc2 a b ta tb tr | typeCheck a == ta && typeCheck b == tb = Just tr
                 | otherwise                              = Nothing

typeCheck :: Exp -> Maybe Typ
typeCheck (IAdd a b) = tc2 a b Int Int Int

(That said, it would probably be better to fuse parsing and type
checking in this case so that you do not need to track source

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Just for interest:

Chapter 31 of Shriram Krishnamurthi's "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation" has an interesting perspective on Haskell style polymorphism
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