Joel Reymont wrote:
Support I want to infer the type given an Op that looks like this (incomplete):

data Op
    = Minus
    | Plus
    | Mul
    | LT
    | GT

Is there a shorthand way of bunching Minus, Plus and Mul in a function guard since they all result in TyNum whereas the rest in TyBool?

data NumOrBool = JNum | JBool deriving (Eq)

numorbool Minus = JNum
numorbool Plus  = JNum
numorbool Mul   = JNum
numorbool LT    = JBool
numorbool GT    = JBool

f o | numorbool o == JNum = TyNum (...)
   | numorbool o == JBool = TyBool (...) you have to define one function rather verbosely (numorbool) but once you've done it once you can use it in a guard to define others more quickly.

You could use pattern guards instead of == and forget about deriving Eq if you prefer.


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