On Sun, Apr 22, 2007 at 07:34:27PM +0200, Philipp Volgger wrote:
> What IDE support is available for Haskell (Visuall Haskell, EclipseFP), 
> anything else?

Hi Philipp.
I've written some completion scripts for vim. Don't know wether you can
call it an ide. Also tagging source is supported by one command.
With a little effort you can configure vim to create a new cabal project
using one command some settings, too.

If you're interested drop me a mail.
You can see some screenshots here http://www.mawercer.de/marcweber/vim/ss/vim/

There is also some emacs support I don't know much about.
All further information I could give you you can find on 
http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Libraries_and_tools/Program_development  -> 2. 
Editor support

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