On 22/04/07, Nikolay Metchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello guys,
I have decided to try and get back into Haskell recently. I have used it in
the past but have forgotten large chunks.
I am trying to express the logic of a particular card game. For this purpose
I need to be able to order cards in various orders. At first I thought that
the Ord class was my answer but I found it very verbose. Below is my best
attempt so far but I can't help but feel it too is verbose and that there
must be a better way of comparing cards in different orders.

I wrote some code for comparing poker hands that you may find useful
[1].  It gives each hand a classification, and then orders first on
the classification, and then on some secondary property of the
classification (eg, highest card in hand).

- Joe

[1] http://www.lambda-software.com/darcs/programming-challenges/2.8.2/poker.hs
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