
I have code like this that I want to test with QuickCheck but I'm having trouble imagining how I would wrap it up in a property.

Do I make sure that id, subs, back are always morphed properly or do I leave that to separate properties for their respective types?

Do I then ensure that array types are always unwrapped (see getType below), that a "series" variable is always declared, code added and a series reference returned?

Last but not least, is monadic testing part of Test.QuickCheck.*?

        Thanks, Joel

type Core a = State CoreUnit a

data CoreUnit
    = Core
      { coreSym :: Integer -- starting # for gensym
      , coreVars :: M.Map String VarDecl
      , coreCode :: M.Map Integer [Statement]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

morphHistArrayAccess :: VarIdent -> Subscript -> BackRef -> C.Core C.Expr
morphHistArrayAccess id subs back = do
  id' <- morph id
  subs' <- morph subs
  back' <- morph back
  (C.TyArray ty) <- getType id'
  s <- genSym "series"
  addVar s (C.TySeries ty) [] Nothing
  addCodeFront 1 [ C.AddToSeries (C.VarIdent s) (C.Var id' subs') ]
  return $ C.Series (C.VarIdent s) back'


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