Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:
> I say Excel is a functional language. If there needs to be the quoted 
> distinction, fine: Excel the language is a functional language, and 
> Excel the application is an interpreter of said language.

Excel has functions, but does it treat functions as it treats other
data?  I don't think so, and that makes it non-functional
(dys-functional?).  As for VB... that may be functional, in the same
sense as XSLT is: if you step back and squint, it almost looks vaguely
like a functional language.
> (Does the opposition self-consistently distinguish Perl the language 
> from perl.exe the interpreter?)

"Only perl can parse Perl."  (Yes, they do.)

"Science is like sex - sometimes something useful comes out of it, but
that's not what we are doing it for." -- Richard Feynman

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