Try adding strictness annotations to all the components of all your data structures (i.e. put a ! before the type). Not all of the need it, but I doubt any need to be lazy either. Probably the reason quant8 seems to be taking so much time is that it is where a lot of stuff finally gets forced. Certainly, for things that are "primitive" like Colour and Vector you want the components to be strict, in general.
Yes, originally the profile was showing quant8 taking something absurd like 80% of the CPU time. When I changed the framebuffer to an IOUArray, the time spent in quant8 dropped *drastically*. (Because now the framebuffer is strict, and that's forcing the evaluation sooner.)

I could certainly try making vectors, colours and arrays strict and see if that does something... (Thinking about it, the colour computation has a square root in it, and I bet that doesn't get forced until it hits quant8... Square root is an expensive operation on currentl hardware isn't it?)
Also, you have many many superfluous parentheses and use a different naming convention from representative Haskell code (namely camelCase).
This is a pet hate of mine. NamesLikeThis are fine. names_like_this are fine too. But for the love of God, namesLikeThis just looks stupid and annoying! So I generally use camel case for stuff which has to start uppercase, and underscores for stuff that has to start lowercase. It's a system, and it works. Unfortunately it's not the standard convention in Haskell. (And I doubt I will convince anybody to change it...)

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