
i need the bi-partitions of a multiset. That is, all the ways you can split
a multiset, M, into two multisets, M1 and M2, such that M = M1
`multiset-union` M2.

Best wishes,


On 5/23/07, Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 22 May 2007, Greg Meredith wrote:

> mSplitC :: [a] -> [([a], [a])] -- C for comprehension
> mSplitC [] = [([],[])]
> mSplitC [x] = [([x],[])]
> mSplitC (x:xs) = concat [ [(x:l,r),(l,x:r)] | (l,r) <- mSplitC xs ]
> which Matthias Radestock suggested to me.
> Note that if you only supply the empty multiset case, then you end up
> duplicates.

That is ([1,2],[3]) and ([3],[1,2]) are considered the same? But you need
always pairs not only [1,2] and [3] ?

L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
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Seattle, WA 98103

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