On 5/30/07, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Incidentally, when I try to recompile with optimizations turned on, GHC
refuses to work:

$ ghc htrace.hs -o htrace
$ ghc -O2 htrace.hs -o htrace
compilation IS NOT required

I must delete the target or edit the source to get it to recompile. I assume
this is a known bug?

If the sources haven't changed and you're only using a different combination
of command-line options, GHC's recompilation checker will determine that no
recompilation is necessary. You can turn off the recompilation checker and
force recompilation unconditionally by adding the -no-recomp flag. (There's
already a feature request to make the recompilation checker consider changes
to command-line options as well as code, it just haven't been implemented.)


Tim Chevalier * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Often in error, never in doubt
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