
All this talk about Mathematica and a reference to monadic treatments of
backtracking reminded me that a year ago i was involved in work on a
Mathematica-like widget. At the time i noticed that a good deal of the
structure underlying LP, SAT and other solvers was terribly reminiscent of
comprehension-style monadic structure. i think i asked Erik Meijer if he
knew of any work done on this and posted to LtU, but nobody seemed to have
understood what i was mumbling about. So, let me try here: does anybody know
of references for a monadic treatment of constraint satisfaction?

BTW, i think this could have a lot of bang-for-buck because the literature i
read exhibited two basic features:

  - the "standard" treatments (even by CS-types) are decidedly not
  - the people in the field who face industrial strength csp problems
  report that they have to take compositional approaches because the problems
  are just too large otherwise (both from a human engineering problem as well
  as a computational complexity problem)

Best wishes,


L.G. Meredith
Managing Partner
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740
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