
Perhaps a stylistic shift would encourage writing this sort of elegant,
fusion-friendly code.

   -- Generalized version of "interact".  Encapsulates data getter &
   genInteract :: IO i -> (o -> IO ()) -> ((i -> o) -> IO ())
   genInteract get put = \ f -> get >>= put . f

The intention here is that i and o are pure value types (no IO).  Solutions
2 and three use the following specialization.

   -- Lazy ByteString in and showable out
   lGetPrint :: Show o => (L.ByteString -> o) -> IO ()
   lGetPrint = genInteract L.getContents print

Then rewrite solution 2 as follows:

   main = lGetPrint f
      f contents = foldl' (test k) 0 . map int . take n $ ls
          (l:ls) = L.lines contents
          [n,k]  = map int (L.split ' ' l)

And solution 3 similarly.

Plug: for additional examples and a more general approach to separating out
IO, my blog post "separating IO from logic -- example
which uses the TV <> library.
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