On Jun 16, 2007, at 11:10 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:
Give it a go. Start out with the Emacs tutorial [1] so that you have your feet on solid ground, then jump to the Emacs tour [2] to whet your appetite to the
breadths of features that Emacs provides.

It's a text-mode editor. quod erat demonstrandum.

It works in a terminal, yeah, but it's had an operable GUI (a few, really) for a very long time. It has icons, buttons, menus, and all that jazz.

Here are some screenshots of ECB (Emacs Code Browser), for example: http://ecb.sourceforge.net/screenshots/index.html

People write games in emacs (e.g. http://ulf.epplejasper.de/ EmacsBubblesScreenshots.html ).

There used to be a full graphical web browser in emacs (images and everything), though it looks like it may have fallen by the wayside.

And tetris comes installed.

I'm an OSX user, so i use Aquamacs, but i have to assume that these aged innovations have made it to the Windows platform as well.

I mean, yeah, it edits text, but it's not just a text-mode editor.


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