Creighton Hogg wrote:

On 6/18/07, *Andrew Coppin* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    That reminds me... Somebody should write an *OS* in Haskell! :-D

Well, there hasn't been a lot of work done on the subject but you probably should look at
Now if you're seriously asking how one would do it, the basic approach taken in the paper was to create a monad H that was a controlled subset of IO & that did all the fundamental interactions with the the hardware. The operations of H, as with IO, have to be primitives in the runtime that you're using and probably written in C or assembly.

I read about House once. It seemed too far-out to be true.

OTOH, it's only a proof-of-concept system. I doubt it will ever become a real, usable system, sadly.

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