Just a couple of examples: many non-trivial program analyses (like
optimizations or type-inference) rely on viewing the AST as a graph.
Graph reduction is an evaluation paradigm, and I'm guessing that a
(specification-oriented) interpreter might use a graph.

On 6/20/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David House wrote:
> Andrew Coppin writes:
>  > > Data.Graph -- graph type
>  > >
>  >
>  > What would you use that for? (And what does it do?)
> It's for graphs, in the graph-theory [1] sense.

Yes, I realise that. (I'm not a graph theory expert, but I'm aware of
the subject.) But what kind of thing would you use a general graph for?
(Rather than some more specific custom data type.)

>  > > Data.Tree -- rose tree type
>  > >
>  >
>  > What's a rose tree? (I only know about binary trees. Well, and N-ary
>  > trees... but nobody uses those.)
> Well, it is said that a rose tree by any other name would be just as N-ary. (I
> think they're the same concept :)).

LOL! I asked Wikipedia about "rose tree" and got something quite
different... ;-)

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