Levi Stephen wrote:
newtype Identifier = Identifier String
newtype Literal = StringLiteral String -- to be extended later
data Primary = PrimaryLiteral Literal | PrimaryIdentifier Identifier

primary = do {
       i <- identifier;
       return $ PrimaryIdentifier i; }
   <|>   do {
       l <- stringLiteral;
       return $ PrimaryLiteral l; }

||> identifier = do
   i <- many1 letter
   return $ Identifier i

stringLiteral = do
   (char '\'')
   s <- manyTill anyChar (char '\'')
   return $ StringLiteral s

Is there a way through combining types/parsers that the double do block in primary could be avoided?

I prefer using Control.Monad.ap:

  primary =     (return PrimaryIdentifier `ap` identifier)
            <|> (return PrimaryLiteral `ap` stringLiteral)

  identifier = return Identifier `ap` many1 letter

  stringLiteral = return StringLiteral
                  `ap` (quote >> manyTill anyChar quote)

  quote = char '\''

This scales easily to the case of multiple fields per constructor, provided that the order of the subterms in the abstract syntax is the same as in the concrete syntax:

  data FunctionCall = FunctionCall Identifier [Primary]

  functionCall = return FunctionCall
                 `ap` identifier
                 `ap` parens (primary `sepBy` comma)

  parens = between lparen rparen

  lparen = char '('
  rparen = char ')'
  comma = char ','

My self-defined monadic combinator of choice to use with parsec is

  a >>~ b = a >>= \x -> b >> return x

It works like (>>), but returns the result of the first instead of the result of the second computation. It is kind of an alternative for between:

  between lparen rparen p   ==   lparen >> p >>~ rparen

It can be usefull like this:

  data Term = TVar Identifier | TTerm Identifier [Term]

  term =     (return TTerm
              `ap` try (identififer >>~ lparen)
              `ap` (term `sepBy` comma >>~ rparen))

         <|> (return TVar
              `ap` identifier)

After accepting lparen, the second branch is discarded.

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