The (BS.length f) can only be computed by reading until the end of the file!

breakIntoDocuments :: RawDocument -> [RawDocument]
breakIntoDocuments f | BS.length f > 0 = if len > 0
                                         then (BS.take bytes f) :
                                                 (BS.drop bytes f))
                                         else (breakIntoDocuments
                                                 (BS.drop bytes f))
                     | otherwise      = []
                     where len = decodeLengthBits f
                           bytes = fromIntegral (len * 2 + len * 4 + 4)

and a main function of:

main = do
 f <- B.readFile "Documents.bin"
 print (take 1 (breakIntoDocuments f))

Shouldn't the program only read in enough of the lazy byte-string to
create the first return value of breakIntoDocuments?  The return value
of decodeLengthBits is only 277.  I watched it, and it's reading in my
whole 2gb file...

-- Jeff

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