I couldn't find a compile-time here document facility, so I wrote one using Template Haskell:

module HereDocs(hereDocs) where

import Control.Exception
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

getDoc :: String -> [String] -> (String,[String])
getDoc eof txt =
    let (doc,rest) = break (== eof) txt
    in  (unlines doc, drop 1 rest)

makeVal :: String -> String -> [Dec]
makeVal var doc = let name = mkName var in
    [SigD name (ConT (mkName "String")),
    ValD (VarP name) (NormalB (LitE (StringL doc))) []]

scanSrc :: [Dec] -> [String] -> Q [Dec]
scanSrc vals [] = return vals
scanSrc vals (x:xs) = case words x of
    [var, "=", ('<':'<':eof)] ->
        let (doc,rest) = getDoc eof xs
            val = makeVal var doc
        in  scanSrc (vals ++ val) rest
    _ -> scanSrc vals xs

hereDocs :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
hereDocs src =
let fin = catchJust assertions (evaluate src) (return.takeWhile (/= ':'))
    in  runIO (fin >>= readFile >>= return . lines) >>= scanSrc []

One binds here documents embedded in comments by writing

import HereDocs
$(hereDocs "Main.hs")

As an idiom, one can refer to the current file as follows; the first thing hereDocs does is catch assert errors in order to learn the file name:

import HereDocs
$(hereDocs $ assert False "")

Here is an example use:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fth -Wall -Werror #-}

module Main where

import System
import Control.Exception

import HereDocs
$(hereDocs $ assert False "")

ruby = <<RUBY
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
hello = <<EOF
Ruby is not
   an acceptable Lisp
puts hello

lisp = <<LISP
#!/usr/bin/env mzscheme -qr
(display #<<EOF
Lisp is not
   an acceptable Haskell

exec :: FilePath -> String -> IO ExitCode
exec fout str = do
   writeFile fout str
   system ("chmod +x " ++ fout ++ "; ./" ++ fout)

main :: IO ExitCode
main = do
   exec "hello.rb" ruby
   exec "hello.scm" lisp

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