
> All the puffing about the advantages of
> strong typing look pretty silly if code hangs up on an incomplete
> pattern.

Okay... people who don't worry so much about incomplete patterns believe
that they get things done.

There are trade offs in type systems about how much effort you want to
require of the user and how much the type system will catch.  Haskell's
type system is at a point that does a lot with very little.  You can do
ridiculously more if you don't mind requiring more from the user.

I know Catch got mentioned at the beginning of this thread, but it
does read like an advert for Catch :) You can have existing Haskell
with no annotations that is proven free from pattern-match errors
automatically. You can do the trick of saying error "this branch
cannot be reached", then Catch will validate that you are correct.



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