On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 09:16:37PM +0200, peterv wrote:
> I'm trying to get the SOE graphics library to compile for Win32 using the
> latest libraries.
> I fixed a couple of imports, but in the file GraphicsTypes.hs, the functions
> toInt/fromInt are used, which are now obsolete:
> type Dimension = Int
> toDimension    :: Win32.INT -> Dimension
> fromDimension  :: Dimension -> Win32.INT
> toDimension   = toInt
> fromDimension = fromInt
> I don't have a clue how to fix this, as I can't find alternatives for
> toInt/fromInt (except toInteger/fromInteger, but that would convert to
> heavyweight ints), but I guess it must be really easy? 

Try using fromIntegral (which is sufficiently polymorphic that it works
both ways).

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