On Jul 5, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Paul Moore wrote:

You're changing the problem from finding a Haskell library (which only
needs to be installed on the development machine at compile time) to
finding a 3rd party utility, which has to be installed at runtime
Not a good trade-off.

The intersection of Linux and Mac OS X is a pretty amazing standard library, that beats any single scripting language.

I'd forgotten how dismal Windows is, sorry. Still, if you stick to non-GPL'd licenses, there's no way to build single file deliverables? I'd think someone would have written "Unix as a static library", the way e.g. many languages can be embedded in apps. Then only you would have to maintain the Unix tools you want to use, and you'd be done. If no one has, someone who cares about Windows should. Unix rocks.

On Jul 5, 2007, at 9:54 AM, Philip Armstrong wrote:
Presumably you mean http://macromates.com/ ?

Yup. Sorry.

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