Stefan O'Rear wrote:
Yes, GHC does in-place updates on almost everything.  But probably not
in the way you wanted.

Ah yes, true...

(Try implementing that in Java. Tricky...)

I did think about compiling GHC myself once. But then I found out that it's not actually written in Haskell - it's written in Haskell + C + asm + Perl (?!) and it's utterly *huge*...

Perl may die soon


Oh wait, you meant Perl in GHC? :-}

GHC HQ is considering retiring the registerised
-fvia-C path, leaving only native code for normal use and ANSI C for
porting.  This is because mangled C is only about 3% faster according to
the GHC benchmark suite, and carries a high maintaince cost.

It would mean that on Windoze, you don't have to supply gcc and an emulator for running it...

(Are you keeping an external assembler and linker, or doing the whole shooting match in GHC?)

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