On 7/17/07, Magnus Therning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 19:43:51 +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
>On 7/17/07, Martin Coxall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Me too, which is why I find your statement that expertise in C++ is
>>easy to acquire. Seeing some of my colleagues' code is enough to tell
>>me that this is most definitely not the case.
>You're quite right. That was careless on my part. Though the way C++ is
>taught at the undergraduate level, and the way it is perceived by the
>inexperienced is that it isn't so hard.
>But then again, I've taught Java at the ugrad level, and what do I know
>about Java, other that it'd be quite a nice place to have a holiday
>some time.... :)

My wife is from Java so if you need some advice on good vacation spots
I'd be happy to ask her advice ;-)

import java.wife.advice.CheapHotels;
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