Ben wrote:
> a haskell newbie here, searching for comments and wisdom on my code.
> i had a project to try to implement "external sort" in haskell as a
> learning exercise.  (external sort is sorting a list that is too large
> to fit in main memory, by sorting in chunks, spooling to disk, and
> then merging.  more properly there probably should be multiple stages,
> but for simplicity i'm doing a one-stage external sort.)
> i'd appreciate any testing, comments and suggestions from the haskell
> gods out there.

I'm not a god but I like it very much :) Especially because it's
laziness in action.

>  blocks <- mapM (\x -> do {bs <- hGetContentsWithCursor h x;
>                            return $ Bin.decode bs}) idx

(Minuscule cosmetics:

   blocks <- mapM ((liftM Bin.decode) . hGetContentsWithCursor h) idx


> Merging chunks.  K-way merge (and in fact external sort in general) is
> detailed in Knuth, where he recommends tournament trees.  The easiest
> thing is to probably use one of Okasaki's heaps.  I'll use splay
> heaps, because I don't know any better.
> It would be better if I changed Ord for blocks to only check the first
> element.
>> kMerge :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> [a]
>> kMerge [] = []
>> kMerge l =
>>     let h = Splay.fromSeq l in
>>     kM (Splay.minElem h) (Splay.deleteMin h)
>>     where
>>     kM :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Splay.Heap [a] -> [a]
>>     kM l h
>>         | h == Splay.empty = l
>>         | otherwise =
>>             let next = Splay.minElem h
>>                 (f, b) = span (\x -> x <= head next) l
>>             in
>>             f ++ (kM next (if null b then Splay.deleteMin h
>>                            else (Splay.insert b $ Splay.deleteMin h)))
>> kMergeSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
>> kMergeSort l = kMerge $ blockify blocksize l

Oh, I would have expected a lazy mergesort here. Internally, this will
work like a tournament heap. See also


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