On 7/17/07, Malte Milatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dmitri O.Kondratiev:
> It looks like Graphics.SOE does not anymore exist  in GHC  6.6.1.
> Where one can get it or what to use  instead of it?

You may try Gtk2Hs, which includes an implementation of SOE, called
Graphics.SOE.Gtk.  (It works independently of the actual Gtk API.)  Use
then the darcs version, because I remember an SOE bug fixed since the
last release.


Thanks. The problem is that I need to run SOE on Win32.  When I try to run a
simple SOE app. in GHCi with Gtk2Hs Win32 release, this code:

module GWindow where
import Graphics.SOE.Gtk

main() =
   runGraphics (
                do w <- openWindow "Graphics Test" (300, 300)
                   drawInWindow w (text (100, 200) "Hello Graphics World")
                   k <- getKey w
                   closeWindow w

displays a window and hangs.

I can get development release of Gtk2Hs with darcs, but how can I build it
on Win32?


Dmitri O. Kondratiev
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