I am trying to get my feet wet with Haskell threads with the following problem, inspired by a recent post (http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2007-July/029408.html) saying that:

> Since there's no way to have a function be lazy in both arguments, the
> implicit convention is to make functions strict in the first arguments
> and, if applicable, lazy in the last arguments. In other words, the
> convention is
>   True || _|_ = True   but not  _|_ || True = True
>   1 + _|_ = Succ _|_   but not  _|_ + 1 = Succ _|_
> Regards,
> apfelmus

Maybe not lazy in both arguments, but how about lazy in either argument?

The idea is to fork a thread for each of the two functions, (||) and flip (||), pick the winner, then kill off both threads. I can wrap this up in a pure function using unsafePerformIO (given the proof obligation that the results of both threads will always be equal where both are defined).

The code below seems to work, except for the following problems:

1) Commenting out the type annotation f :: Bool makes the program hang
2) If I replace f = f by f = undefined, I get an annoying print of "LazyOr: Prelude.undefined" before it returns the correct value.

Does anyone know why the type annotation is needed in #1, and/or how to suppress the error message in #2?

Dan Weston

import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO,killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan(newChan,readChan,writeChan,isEmptyChan)
import Foreign(unsafePerformIO)

f :: Bool
f = f

main = putStrLn . show $ lazyBinaryOp (||) f True

lazyBinaryOp p x y = unsafePerformIO $ do
    c  <- newChan
    p2 <- forkIO (lazyBinaryOpThread c p x y)
    p1 <- forkIO (lazyBinaryOpThread c p y x)
    z  <- readChan c
    killThread p1
    killThread p2
    return z


    lazyBinaryOpThread c p x y = do
      case (p x y) of True  -> writeChan c True
                      False -> writeChan c False

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