Ian Lynagh wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 03:38:50PM +0200, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>> I am using Text.Printf (package base, ghc-6.6.1) and am missing %X
>> formatting. Checking out the darcs repo of the base package I see that it
>> has already been added there. Is there any way to upgrade to the latest
>> version while keeping ghc-6.6.1? I keep hearing Bulat saying that this is
>> not possible, but I wanted to check anyway. Is there, perhaps, a separate
>> package that contains (a newer version of) Text.Printf?
> The easiest way is to grab a copy of the module from
>     http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/base/Text/Printf.hs
> and either put it in your program directly, or rename it and put it in a
> package.

Yeah, actually that's what I've been doing in the meantime (include it in my
program, that is). Just thought it might be worth to ask...


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