Chris Smith wrote:
Can someone clarify what's going on with the standard library in Haskell?

As of right now, I can download, say, GHC from and get a set of libraries with it. I can visit, linked from the home page, and see descriptions of all of those libraries. I can build with --make (or if I'm feeling masochistic, add several lines of -package options) and it works. That's all great.

I've seen some stuff lately on -libraries and this list indicating that there's an effort to change this. People asking whether something should be included in the standard library are being told that there is no standard library really. I'm hearing that the only distinction that matters is "used by GHC" or "not used by GHC", and that being on hackage is as official as it gets.

Am I misunderstanding?
Is there something awesome about Hackage that I'm not seeing?

My take on it is this: Hackage is a pre-requisite for a comprehensive well-maintained standard library. We don't have a comprehensive standard library yet, but from Hackage will emerge a large number of components that will someday be reviewed and filtered by a group of people who define the standard library. This might be part of the Haskell prime effort, or a subsequent library standardisation process.

I agree that a standard library is important, I also believe it's vital that we have an effective distributed collaborative mechanism by which good libraries can emerge. In the early days of the hierarchical libraries I think we tried to define a defacto standard set of libraries which we shipped with the various compilers; I now believe the distributed model will achieve better results in the long run, and the rate at which Hackage is growing seems to back this up. This is why we developed the package system and Cabal, and why we no longer have a single global module namespace - every package author has the right to independently choose what their modules are called.

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