| > I've heard Simon (Peyton-Jones) twice now mention the desire to be able
| > to embed a monadic subexpression into a monad.  That would be
| > http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.prime/2267 and in the
| > recent OSCON video.
| I still think that this syntax extension has profound impact and is a
| bad idea. Simon's and Neill's use case was the dreaded name-supply monad
| where the order of effects really doesn't matter up to alpha-conversion.
| The objection to that use case is that monads are not the right
| abstraction for that, they're too general

Just for the record, I am not arguing that this is the Right Thing; I am quite 
agnostic about it.  But the status quo doesn't seem that great either, and I'm 
all for experimentation.  Same goes for view patterns and record wildcards, for 

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