Same problem here. I downloaded the ghc-6.7.20070811.tar.bz2 snapshot build
on amd64 under ubuntu.

>From the README
> The "sh boot" step is only necessary if this is a tree checked out
> from darcs.  For source distributions downloaded from GHC's web site,
> this step has already been performed.

On 8/11/07, Marc A. Ziegert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i just don't get it.
> please, can anybody explaim me how to do that?
> i tried it the last few days with ghc-6.7.20070807, ghc-6.7.20070809, and
> ghc-6.7.20070810.
> it always results in a broken library (without Prelude):
> # ghc-pkg list
> /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.7.20070810/package.conf:
>     {ghc-6.7.20070810}, rts-1.0
> i did this on my gentoo-i386-box (pretty old, takes 1h for quick build,
> 3.5h without mk/
> T=20070810
> tar xjf ghc-6.7.$T-src.tar.bz2
> tar xjf ghc-6.7.$T-src-extralibs.tar.bz2
> cd ghc-6.7.$T
> (
> #echo BuildFlavour = quick
> #cat mk/
> ) > mk/
> ./configure && ( time nice -n 19 make all install )
> those extralibs seem to be installed in
> /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.7.20070810/lib/
> but registered in
> ghc-6.7.20070810/driver/package.conf.inplace
> instead of
> /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.7.20070810/package.conf
> .
> - marc
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