>    As I am a newbie to Haskell, I am not sure how to handle this problem
>    with less work.  Do you have any ideas about this problem?
>    Thanks in advance!

Have a look at 
section 3 (IO) -> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Binary_IO

Of course you can just use most different parser libraries as well, because most
are not tight to one token type.. So you shouldn't have any trouble
parsing a ByeSttring which is a char (8bit word) buffer.

I'd recommend having a look at ParseP or happy/ alex .. if the binary
libraries aren't suited for your task..

But to get the fastest/ whatsoever solution you should wait for
different replies as I haven't used all those yet to parse binary data..

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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