Neil Mitchell wrote:

Flippi (google: Haskell Flippi)
...and yet uses WikiMedia? (Which is written in something
bizzare like Perl...)

Yes, but WikiMedia is a result of years of work, Flippi is a lot less.
Wikipedia uses WikiMedia - its a tried and proven solution.

Well, I guess...

I just thought, you know, the Tcl wiki is written in Tcl, why isn't the Haskell wiki written in Haskell? Hey, aren't we trying to tell people is a *useful* language that people should learn and use? ;-)

- A "graphical programming tool". (You add boxes and put in lines, it
constructs a "program" that you can run.)
Have you ever played with KLogic? You draw boxes and lines, and it makes
some logic. (As in the digital electronics sense of "logic".)

I have some (very expensive) software called Reaktor. You draw boxes and
lines, it does DSP algorithms. You build synthesizers and effects boxes
with it.

That sounds exactly like PureData - you can also do graphics as well
with PureData, the demo I saw was very cool. Of course, PureData is
written in C with Haskell as an extension language.

Oh. Ah well..

The last two ideas you mentioned require a graphical user interface,
which is an area of Haskell which is comparatively weak, compared to
the rest of Haskell.

Yeah, I noticed. Though actually Gtk2hs isn't too bad. (There's a few corners that require bit-flipping and other low-level strangeness...)

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