Dan Piponi wrote:
> On 9/11/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> you can fall down a monad and not be able to escape...
> It's not so bad. It's in the nature of monads that after you've fallen
> in once, you can never get trapped any deeper.

But you can climb higher...
(Note: Best viewed in mono-space!)

             Nirvana plane
               Categoric plane
                  Co-Monadic plane
                    (Co- everything)
                      Applicative plane
                  Pointless-pointfree plane
              Monadic plane  (don't get trapped)
            ---------------        ---------------
          Functional plane          (Haskell et al!)
        ---------------                ---------------
      Imperative plane                  ASM, C#, Java :)
    ---------------                        ---------------
  Physical plane                              (e.g. Silicon)

-- Ron

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