>    I suppose I'm thinking of head or tail - e.g. head [] or tail [].
>    I'm trying to write my own version of the find function. I have a few
>    ideas but not quite sure which would be more suitable in the context of
>    FP.
>    Any advice would be gratefully received - e.g. do I use recursion, list
>    comprehension or what?

Well, you want to filter all elements from a list that match a predicate, 
and then return Just the first match, or Nothing?

        find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a

Checking the current behaviour:

        > find isSpace "haskell is fun"
        Just ' '

My first go would be something like this: ok, so let's start with 'filter':

        > filter Char.isSpace "haskell is fun"
        "  "

Good, then the natural translation to the Maybe type:

        > listToMaybe . filter isSpace $ "haskell is fun"
        Just ' '

And we're almost done. Just firing up QuickCheck:

        > quickCheck $ \p (xs :: [Int])  -> find p xs == listToMaybe (filter p 
        OK, passed 100 tests.

Seems ok.

I hope that gives some insight into the process of deriving Haskell 
implementations by building up a pipeline of pieces.

-- Don
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