SevenThunders wrote:
> OK so check out what really happens with liftM2.  Suppose I have an IO
> containing an involved matrix computation called s. For simplicity we might
> assume that
> s :: IO (Int) >
> and the Int is an index into an array containing a bunch of matrices in C
> land.  Assume that s is determined by a succession of many IO operations
> that have lots of side effects and are fairly computationally intensive.
> Also assume that s is unevaluated.
> Now do an operation like
> q = liftM2 MultMatrix s s
> What happens is that s is 'evaluated' twice when q is evaluated
> e.g.
> do
>     qint <- q
> That becomes evident when we look at liftM2's definition
> liftM2 f  =  \a b -> do { a' <- a; b' <- b; return (f a' b') }
> the statements
> a' <- a   and b' <- b will cause s to be evaluated twice.
> Therein lies my problem.

Here's your solution:

    -- Compare this to liftM2 and your definition of q
    s' <- s   -- this evaluates s once and for all
    qint <- return $ MultMatrix s' s'

-- Ron

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