On 10/8/07, Alistair Bayley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For me, a large part of Haskell's attraction are the features which
> reflect good engineering practice: strong, static type checking;
> purely functional code; good FFI. It should be easier to write simple,
> reliable software in Haskell than in most other languages; IMO,
> getting the unwashed hordes to use Haskell would be a great
> improvement in software industry productivity.

I recently put it thus to a friend: When it's hard writing a program
in Haskell, it is usually because Haskell makes you think about what
you are doing, and as a consequence you end up doing your thinking
sooner rather than later. This usually ends with better software with
fewer bugs.

Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
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