Also, I was wondering if the constructor and/or function arguments should be marked strict.

Otherwise, types can be inhabited by defined arguments. Since Prop is not strict in its argument, we could have the (false) theorem

andAlwaysTrue :: forall p q . p :/\ q
andAlwaysTrue p q = And (Prop undefined) (Prop undefined)

This halts for all p and q since Prop and And are not strict.

Dan Weston wrote:
That is a great tutorial. Thanks! But in the last two sentences of the introduction you say:

 > We just need to find any program with the given type.
 > The existence of a program for the type will be a proof
 > of the corresponding proposition!

Maybe you should make explicit that

1) the type is inhabited

undefined :: forall p . p

does not prove that all propositions are true

2) the function must halt for all defined arguments

fix :: forall p . (p -> p) -> p
fix f = let x = f x in x

does not prove the (false) theorem

(p => p) => p

even though (fix id) is well-typed and id is certainly not undefined (though fix id is).

Tim Newsham wrote:
A tutorial on the Curry-Howard Correspondence in Haskell:

Feedback appreciated.

Tim Newsham
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