One thing I've noticed is that turning on optimizations significantly
increases the speed of haskell code. Are you comparing code between
languages with -O2 or without opts?

On 10/28/07, Prabhakar Ragde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For the purposes of learning, I am trying to optimize some variation of
> the following code for computing all perfect numbers less than 10000.
> divisors i = [j | j<-[1..i-1], i `mod` j == 0]
> main = print [i | i<-[1..10000], i == sum (divisors i)]
> I know this is mathematically stupid, but the point is to do a moderate
> nested-loops computation. On my 2.33GHz dual-core MacBookPro, the
> obvious C program takes about .3 seconds, and a compiled OCaML program
> (tail recursion, no lists) about .33 seconds. The above takes about 4
> seconds.
> I've tried using foldl', and doing explicit tail recursion with strict
> accumulators, but I can't get the running time below 3 seconds. Is it
> possible to come within striking distance of the other languages?
> Thanks. --PR
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