Hi Brad,

On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 10:10:17PM -0700, brad clawsie wrote:
> i have decided to take on the task of packaging-up (for hackage) and
> documenting the curl bindings as available here:
> http://code.haskell.org/curl/
> if the originators of this code are reading this and do not wish me to
> proceed please say so, i won't be offended

I am CCing [EMAIL PROTECTED], the maintainer listed in the Cabal file.

> otherwise i was wondering if people had good examples to point me to
> for providing the cross-platform support needed for a FFI-based module
> such as this. i have made the necessary changes to compile the code on
> freebsd, but for other platforms i am not sure at all, particularly
> non-unix style platforms like windows.

What sort of changes do you mean?

> my guess is that providing cross-platform support requires autoconf
> etc prior to the hackage build process (?)
> any info/references appreciated


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