One observation is that you're doing a lot of redundant Bool -> Int

As you iterate across the array in fillArray, the rule you are using for the
next cell is almost entirely determined by the rule you are using for the
current cell; lop off the top bit, shift left by one, and add the new bit.
Instead, you're recalculating the entire rule at that point.

Sadly, (at least as of GHC 6.6.1) the performance of the operations in
Data.Bits was horrendous, and any time I wanted to use them for
performance, I ended up going through the FFI and writing C code.  I haven't
had a chance to test this on GHC 6.8.

In this case, that might not be so bad, however.  You can probably write a
10-20 line C function that implements "fill" and call it via the FFI.

Alternatively, you could create a new rule table which maps a rule and a
bool into a new rule index.  This would only be twice the size of the rule
table, and you can index that way.

Also, what stops getRule from going off the end of the array?  I didn't see
anything that prevented that in the code, and you're using unsafeAt, which
seems like a potential bug.

  -- ryan

On 11/13/07, Justin Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been working on a program over the last few days to evolve
> cellular automata rules using a genetic algorithm. Luckily, this email
> has nothing to do with CAs but everything to do with Haskell
> performance.
> For those who don't know, a CA is represented as a row of cells, where
> each can be either black (on/1) or white (off/0). A CA is "run" by
> generating a new row from the previous row according to some rule.
> Each cell is examined in turn and based on the state of it's neighbors
> and itself, a new cell in the next row is generated that is either
> black or white.
> The function below is my "step" function that generates this new row.
> It's at the heart of my program and where all  the execution time is
> spent. In this scenario it's executed around 800 million times. On my
> relatively modest desktop using GHC 6.8.1, the program takes about 30
> seconds to run. Here's the function, with some of the type
> declarations:
> data Rule = Rule { ruleWidth :: Int, rules :: UArray Int Bool }
> data Ring = Ring { currIdx :: !Int, vals :: (UArray Int Bool), lower,
> upper, size:: !Int }
> type CA = Ring
> currR :: Int -> Ring -> Bool
> currR amt r@(Ring curr arr l u s) = unsafeAt arr ((curr + amt) `mod` s)
> stepWithUArray :: Int -> Rule -> CA -> CA
> stepWithUArray rowLen rule@(Rule width rules) row =
> let upper = rowLen - 1
>      getRule currIdx = pattern' start 0
>        where
>          start = currIdx - width
>          end = currIdx + width
>          pattern' cnt !result
>            | cnt > end = result
>            | otherwise = if (currR cnt row)
>                            then pattern' (cnt + 1) (result * 2 + 1)
>                            else pattern' (cnt + 1) (result * 2)
>      makeNewRow :: ST s (ST.STUArray s Int Bool)
>      makeNewRow =
>        do
>          arr <- ST.newArray_ (0, upper)
>          let fill idx
>                | idx > upper = return ()
>                | otherwise = do
>                    unsafeWrite arr idx (unsafeAt rules (getRule idx))
>                    fill (idx + 1)
>          fill 0
>          return $! arr
> in fromUArray (ST.runSTUArray makeNewRow)
> fromUArray produces a new Ring (i.e. CA) from an array. 'makeNewRow'
> iterates over every cell in the current row using getRule to get the
> new value for each cell and returns the new row as an array. getRule
> essentially treats the neighbors of the current cell as bits, with the
> most significant to the left. An index into the rules array is
> constructed based on the values around the cell being examined (which
> wrap on the ends, thus the Ring construct). That index is used to get
> the value of the new cell from the rules array.
> Profiling shows that the following lines take up the most execution
> and allocation:
> makeNewRow = ... -- 20.5% execution,  26.7% allocation
> if (currR cnt row) ... -- 14.7% execution, 26.6% allocation,  in pattern'
> currR ... -- 14.7% execution, 0% allocation
> Any suggestions for improving this code? Thanks in advance!
> Justin
> p.s. The entire program is attached. Compile with ghc -O2
> -funbox-strict-fields -fbang-patterns --make GA-CA.hs. It runs 25
> rules on each of 25 initial CAs for 2 generations.
> p.p.s. On the bright side, this program has excellent memory
> performance. It uses a constant 2 - 7 MB depending on the initial
> parameters for the entire run. Beautiful!
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