Ryan Ingram wrote:
apfelmus wrote:
A slightly different point of view is that you use a term implementation
for your monad, at least for the interesting primitive effects

That's a really interesting point of view, which had struck me slightly, but
putting it quite clearly like that definitely helps me understand what is
going on.

In fact, it seems like I can implement the original "list" and "state"
examples from the Unimo paper in terms of Prompt as well, using a
specialized observation function.  For example:

 data StateP s a where
   Get :: StateP s s
   Put :: s -> StateP s ()

runStateP :: Prompt (StateP s) a -> s -> (a,s)
runStateP (PromptDone a)     s = (a,s)
runStateP (Prompt Get k)     s = runStateP (k s) s
runStateP (Prompt (Put s) k) _ = runStateP (k ()) s

instance MonadState s (Prompt (StatePrompt s)) where
   get = prompt Get
   put = prompt . Put

Strangely, this makes me less happy about Prompt rather than more; if it's
capable of representing any reasonable computation, it means it's not really
the "targeted silver bullet" I was hoping for.  On the other hand, it still
seems useful for what I am doing.

It appears that your prompt data type is basically Unimo with Bind and Effect fused, i.e.

  data Prompt p a where
     Return     :: a -> Prompt p a
     BindEffect :: p b -> (b -> Prompt p a) -> Prompt p a

I think that an explicit Bind isn't needed at all, the whole Unimo "framework" can be recast in terms of this type. This simplifies it considerably: the helper function observe_monad can be dropped and observation functions like run_list or run_state can be implemented by directly pattern matching on Prompt. ( unit_op and bind_op are nothing else than the two cases of this match)

(The other minor difference is that effects p does not explicitly contain monadic actions, but it's easy to introduce the recursion afterwards:

  data EffectPlus a where
     Mplus :: Prompt EffectPlus a -> Prompt EffectPlus a -> EffectPlus a
     Mzero :: EffectPlus a

In Unimo, the effect can be parametrized on the monad, whereas it's fixed here. But this is straightforward to rectify.)

I definitely feel like the full term implementation (like the Unimo paper
describes) is overkill; unless I'm misunderstanding what's going on there,
you're basically destroying any ability for the compiler to reason about
your computations by reifying them into data.  As long as (>>=) and return
are functions that get inlined, lots of extraneous computation can be
eliminated as the compiler "discovers" the monad laws through compile-time
beta-reduction; once you turn them into data constructors that ability
basically goes away.

I don't know what the compiler does, so I wouldn't recommend unlimited enthusiasm :)

But there's an efficiency issue with your implementation that the full term implementation doesn't have (contrary to what I believed in a previous post about the state moand): just like with lists and ++, using >>= left-recursively runs in quadratic instead of linear time. Here's a demonstration:

  data Effect a = Foo a        -- example effect
  Bef m := BindEffect Foo      -- shorthand for the lengthy constructor

  x   = BindEffect Foo Return  -- just the example effect
      = z Return

  m >> n = m >>= \_ -> n       -- we use >> for simplicity

Now, consider evaluation to WHNF:

  (x >> x)
  => Bef f >> x                     -- reduce x to WHNF
  => Bef f (\b -> f b >> x)         -- definition of >>

  (x >> x) >> x
  => ..
  => (Bef f (\b -> f b >> x)) >> x  -- reduce (x >> x)
  => Bef f (\b -> (\b2 -> f b2 >> x) b >> x)
   = Bef f (\b -> (f b >> x) >> x)  -- shorthand

We see that in the general case, the evaluation of

  (..(((x >> x) >> x) >> x) ... ) = foldl1 (>>) (replicate n x)

will produce the expression

  Bef f (\b -> (..(((f b >> x) >> x) >> x)..))

in O(n) time. The problem is that this contains another left-recursive chain of (>>) which will take O(n-1) time to evaluate and produce another such chain when the monad is executed. Thus, the whole thing will run in O(n^2).

A context passing implementation (yielding the ContT monad transformer) will remedy this. See also

  John Hughes. The Design of a Pretty-printing Library.


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